The Bill of Non-Rights
Here are a list of Articles that should be added to our Constitution. This list is attributed to Lewis Napper, a Jackson, Mississippi computer programmer
How Real Is Systemic Racism?
Dr. Thomas Sowell (above) is an excellent example of an American of color who has reached great heights in America as an economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.
Another Fish Story
“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Lao Tzu
Dr. Thomas Sowell on NPR
I never hear mention of Dr. Thomas Sowell on NPR!
He is the famous black author, economist, political commentator, social theorist and
senior fellow at Stanford University.
The Mystery of Creativity
It is true that creativity is a gift from the Creator, but it is given to everyone!
There is no mystery to creativity – it requires only three things…
My Brother's Keeper
Once again Americans pulled together in a humanitarian relief effort. The residents of Martha’s Vineyard welcomed the recent fifty immigrants, providing food, clothing and shelter.
Those Pesky Seniors
Some boring, but interesting facts would suggest that our recent pandemic certainly had some ‘benefits’ relating to our seniors.
There are numerous reasons given for seeking an abortion…
Shouldn’t we be focusing our energies on pregnancy prevention?
We are warned about the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, but…